Monday, September 24, 2012

 Every year Robert and I try to make it to a camping trip planned by our friends Sarah and Andrew Borrelli at the Oceano Campground near Pismo Beach. This year was a different experience for us because it was Zek's first time camping and our first time camping with an infant.

Overall our experience was actually really good. However, the first night we were at a different campsite and it was really rough. That night we arrived pretty late to the campsite, around 9:30 pm to set up camp. While setting up camp it was pretty dark and we noticed a homeless guy about 10 yards from our tent who was camped illegally on our site, but since it was late we decided not to report him.

Once we went to bed Zek woke up every couple hours crying because he was freezing in his pack n play. We had our friends Josh and Brittany Howard in the tent next to us so we felt pretty bad that we were keeping them up. So Robert decided to put Zek in the mini van, turn on the heater and drive around until he fell asleep. While Zek and Robert were gone, the homeless guy started pacing around banging on things and yelling and screaming obscenities. He was saying about every name in the book including "I'll kill you!" and "Stick that in your holster!" Those are the only ones I can repeat. I was getting extremely nervous and hoping Robert would get back soon. Once he did I raced out of my tent and jumped in the car with Robert and Zek. When I did that the scary guy jumped up in a threatening stance towards me which startled me pretty good but I made it to the car. While I started explaining the story to Robert we could still here the man screaming at the top of his lungs.

At that time about everyone in the camp was calling 911 around us which prompted the police to arrive and arrest the homeless dude who wasn't cooperating. He didn't get dragged off until about 5 am in the morning. During the police activity Robert and I were parked somewhere else trying to get some sleep in our van. Meanwhile Josh and Brittany still awake in their tent heard the whole ordeal. No one really got sleep.

In the morning Robert and I decided to go get Breakfast Buzz burritos (one of our favorite college spots) while Zek was still getting sleep in the car. When we got back to the site we were approached by many campers asking us about our experience. All of a sudden it seemed like we were really popular. People talked about how they were all calling 911. But the funny thing was we were closest people to the crazy dude but we never ended up calling the police.

Once we left that campsite and set up over at the Oceano campsite we really had a blast. We went hiking at Bishop's peak with Josh and Brittany. Robert and Josh went mountain biking early the next morning. We had meals together, hung out by the camp fire, spent a day at Pismo beach and just enjoyed each other's company. Once we figured out Zek was cold, the next nights we slept really well. We bundled Zek up in more layers and blankets and had him sleep between us in our sleeping bags. I felt much better that he was warm. He was pretty cute to watch all snug as a bug sleeping in our sleeping bags.


Here is our first family camping pictures.

Zek hanging out with daddy:)


Here are our friends Brittany and Josh. 
Josh helped Robert attach the bike rack on our mini van which you can see in the background.


We bundled Zek up in this warm coat at night.


Robert had also forgot a sweatshirt so I went and got him this Trojans sweatshirt from Marshalls along with an extra blanket and a jacket for Zek.


Here are our friends Sarah and Andrew who we don't see enough but we always look forward to our time together. We are so thankful that they organized the trip and packed all the food. It was Sarah's Birthday that weekend.


This was the morning of Robert's mountain biking adventure with Josh which he absolutely loved.

Brittany and I made our lunches and hung out with Zek in the morning before heading out to the beach.

I enjoyed bringing Zek on the camping trip. It's just so much fun being family together and enjoying the outdoors. Zek was smiling all weekend!

These are cute pictures. Zek was hanging out in the tent and had found a mounds bar wrapper. Mmmm mounds bars are the best! In the last picture he waved at me from the tent.

Here we are hanging out inside the tent.



Zek really liked hanging out in the camping chair. 


Zek hanging out with mommy:)



At the campsite there was this pretty lake neighboring our campsite which we made into a good photo opportunity.


Here is our awesome camping group.

Over the weekend we went to Old Juan's Cantina for dinner one night. This is where we think Zek learned to smile for the camera. Every time we took a picture he gave us this cheesy smile.


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