Wednesday, November 26, 2014

3 Months

Before too much time gets away from me I wanted to post some official pictures of Jonathan at 3 months old. I love these pictures. This week he will be 4 months old (the week of Thanksgiving). I am very thankful for my family and this new little addition:)

At 3 to 4 months old so far Jonathan can...

  • Laughs and giggles- especially when you tickle him under his chin
  • Rolls over - he is very determined to move around!
  • Grabs his feet and toes - he loves looking down at his feet and grabbing them
  • Smiles - his smile is charming:)
  • Chews on his hands - I think he is teething already
  • Grabs at toys - He loves toys a lot!
  • Grabs at food - I was eating a burrito the other day and he about grabbed the whole thing out of my hand!
  • Scoots backwards - this was very surprising to me, almost a backwards crawl
  • Cries and says mama - I am pretty sure that is what he is saying
  • Wearing 3 to 9 month clothing - it's a wide range due to his length
  • Watches his brother like a hawk
  • Naps well during the day with 1 to 2 wakeful moments at night - I figured out he has been a little cold at night in our apartment and he fills his diaper quickly which bothers him
  • Exclusively feeds from a bottle breast milk every 2 to 3 hours and loads up before naps and bedtime

Thursday, November 13, 2014


The past three months have been the most challenging and refining months of my mommy life. So much has happened I don't think I could even write it all out. I have literally had no time to take a step back and marvel at God's abundant blessings. These infant and toddler moments seem so trying and tiring, and yet so rewarding. This season in life is literally a vapor, coming and going so quickly. Every moment is so precious that I long for the frame of life to slow for just one second more so that I can capture in my memory God's wonderful and fearful creation.

Here is a picture of Zeke almost 3 years and his little brother Jonathan now 3.5 months. Jonathan loves watching Zeke's ever inspiring energy. And Zeke loves his brother very much.