Monday, February 27, 2012

Zek in dad's hand-me-downs

Okay, since Zek is above the 95% for weight and length at 2 ½ months, he's struggling to fit it a bit - but still looks great in dad's stylish clothing.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Zek's Aunt Kristen visited his other aunt Kelli and uncle Dave in France and brought back this stylish little number! Way to sport it Zek! Also notice a smile caught on camera!
A Little Bit of Poland, a Little Bit of France...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


2 Months Old!

At 2 months... 

I can smile
I can make "coo" noises
I weigh over 14 lbs
I can wear 3 to 6 month clothing
I can hold my head up
I can sleep 4 to 6.5 hours at night
I can take a pacifier
I can wear size 2 diapers
I can make eye contact
I can be very observant
I can hiccup
I can cuddle
I can sleep in my crib
I can win the affection of almost any human being I encounter:)