Tuesday, September 18, 2012

 Zek is really mobile now so it is difficult getting him to sit still for pictures. I think he looks cute in red:) This is the shirt from London Grandma Nancy got him during the Olympics.

 What color do you think his eyes are? They used to be blue to me but now they are looking more brown.

Don't you just love his eyes and lips? So cute!


So in these photos I just decided to lay on the ground with Zek and take a bunch of pictures. He actually really seemed to like this and stayed still for me. I think he thought it was a fun game:)

 On of Zek's favorite places to play is in the bathroom. He just loves his bath toys and pulling out all his washcloths and soap bottles and spreading them all over the floor. I have to watch him really carefully though because he likes to try to get into the bathtub and I don't want him to fall. Here are some photos of him in our bathroom.

On that note...should we baby proof the toilet? He tried opening it the other day:(




  1. He's so cute! I think he is the perfect combo of yours and Rob's looks! And yes baby proof the toilet or close the door to the bathroom!

  2. So cute... I think he looks so much older than he actually is. And I second Bethany on baby-proofing the toilet!
